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Chris Breebaart Photography – finding stories

Rose Bulb

The Netherlands, Oegstgeest – July 2020

The theme for Lens-artists Weekly Photo Challenge #108 is ‘Sanctuary’.
Corona times give another dimension to life, and the need to take regular stay-cations, or do things differently. In this case working with my hand instead of working with my head. The backyard is the sanctuary, being not too big but full with flowers, among them roses. The flowers are a sanctuary for bees, buzzing over from the neighbor’s hives.

Shot with iPhone 11 Pro Max edited using Snapseed and Marksta Click the picture for a larger version

15 Responses to “Rose Bulb”

  1. Tranature - quiet moments in nature

    Thank you for another lovely contribution to the challenge Chris, the roses look stunning in the light 🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Leya

    Chris – lovely, and being sanctuaries for bees is not bad. I try hard to provide our insects with sanctuaries as well. Lovely roses in your back yard!

    Liked by 1 person


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